Virus Information

Virus Information Resources

Now that you are "online" you need to be aware of your responsibilities toward your computer and your fellow “online” community members. You would not think of driving your car with water in the gas tank - it is just as unwise to run your computer or other electronic device, without proper protection against viruses, worms, spam, etc.

Many of these are nuisance type problems, however there are many which are capable of causing widespread damage to your computer and to everyone you post to (Including AAS)!

Please do not post or click on any’ http’ link, ever!

If you receive a suspicious link in your email, with nothing in the body of the email, from a trusted contact, it is likely your friend’s email account has been hacked. When in doubt, throw it out, or report it as junk and then delete, delete, delete!

Next, run your “Anti-Virus” program. It is extremely important that you keep up with the updates as new viruses are discovered daily. Setting your virus program configuration is another important step in protecting one’s computer system. You can have a virus protection program, but if the settings are not set high enough, a virus can slip in without one noticing it.

The best protection, especially in any email program is to have one that scans your e-mails as they are being downloaded; catching a potential threat before it gets into your unit. One can innocently pick up a worm, virus or Trojan from someone else's e-mail; web pages or something downloaded off the internet.

In our AAS group, E-mail is available in two formats: Single e-mail, where each post is sent out separately or a digest version where many posts are combined into one or two e-mails per day. "Please note that the digest version can carry worms or viruses in them. There is no way of making sure they are out.” Whether you are using a desktop computer, laptop, iPhone, smartphone, or tablet to surf the net, the key to safety is keeping your electronic device up to date with a good anti-virus and malware program.

Listed on the right sidebar of the page are places to begin your research.

We are here to help you. Please feel free to contact us personally if you have any concerns. Thanks for your on-going effort to keep our group safe!

In service
For Your Information

Here are reviews for anti-virus programs, malware and spyware removal. When you are ready to install a new antivirus program, please go to the main site of the software company and do not download from a third party site.

About Free Anti-Virus Programs:
Click here for information from PC Magazine.

About Paid Anti-Virus Programs:
Click here for information from Top 10 Reviews.

About Free Malware and Spyware programs:
Click here for information from Malwarebytes.